On Edward James

Ongoing research into the life, work and legacy of Edward James includes the following essays and articles:

Townhouse Surrealism - Edward James’s transformation of 35 Wimpole Street Written for Surrealism in England: 1936 and After Revisited, UCA, June 2021

Lost in the Labyrinth - Edward James and Minotaure (forthcoming)Written for Surrealisms 2019, an international conference at the University of Exeter.

‘The Hysterical Arch’ - Edward James, Salvador Dali and the International Surrealist Exhibition 1936
Written for a symposium accompaying the Dali/Duchamp exhibtion at the Royal Academy, originally published in Avant-Garde Studies, Issue 3, Spring/Summer 2018, The Dali Museum, Florida.

Polyhedra and the Architecture of Edward James Written for the Edward James in Mexico symposium and publication published by the Edward James Foundation, 2017.

El Jardín de un Poeta: La Arquitectura Esmeralda de Edward James
Originally published in Life & Style Magazine, Mexico City, 2017.

The Pavilions of Xilitla Written as a public talk to accompany Melanie Smith at MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, 2014; subsequently published in George Charman’s Artichoke House, London: Silent Grid, 2014.
