A Golden Hour of Müleskind Radio

These recordings are excerpts from a live FM broadcast performed by Neil Chapman and David Stent as part of Project Müleskind.
Müleskind is a figure of writing, an ongoing character-diagram through which it is occupied, modulated and transformed. From its beginnings in a recorded conversation in the centre of Kassel during Documenta 12, Müleskind combines publications, exhibitions, recordings and broadcasts.
The original material was illegally broadcast from a derelict science laboratory in Berkshire, the door having been barricaded from the inside. Both a siege mentality and an inchoate writing practice can be heard, with occasional musical contributions by Dominic Lash.
Fred & Ferry Gallery Antwerp
5 December 2020 - 22 January 2021

So the Red Rose
Audio journeys and playlists by
Stephen Cole, Jan D’Hooghe, Redell Olsen, Paula Chambers, Floris Vanhoof, Peter Lemmens, Helen McCookerybook, a.P.A.t.T., Wannes Deneer, Neil Chapman & David Stent, Daan Gielis, aRzu, Sam Genovese, Willem Boel, KRAMP, Gijs Waterschoot with Rien Schellemans, Lydia Hannah Debeer, Alice Maude-Roxby & Tansy Spinks, Agathe de Bailliencourt, Anne van de Star, Andy Webster, Klaus Osterwald, Hans Hs Winkler, Alan Dunn, Peter Kees, Matt Lord, Brighid Lowe, Bryan Biggs, Matthew Bourne, Mediendienst Leistungshalle (feat. Alligator Gozaimasu), Frederik Vergaert (Intonarumorists: Rachel Daniels, Lena Derwael, Mathias Engelen, Milan Gillard, Kimi Vanheuckelom, Daan Vandezande), AMM-AllStars (Iris Watson, M. L. Hufkie, Out To Lunch, Dave Black, Graham Davis, Peter Baxter, Guy Evans, Eleanor Crook, Paul Shearsmith), Liam Jolly, ...